As the sun moves into Capricorn, a new season begins. Today is the winter solstice, which means we can enjoy Yule. Because the layer is thin, be careful as the energy goes from strong to weak. The Aries moon today is giving us more fire and drive. The moon will be in Taurus by evening, which means we can all treat ourselves and take it easy. Tonight, make your dinner a little more special and treat yourself to a fancy meal. Find ways to relax and deal with this change in energy for the rest of the evening. Aries: Scarlet, 10, 31, 61. Taurus: Ivory, 22, 47, 72. Gemini: Turquoise, 05, 38, 53. Cancer: Peach, 02, 28, 63. Leo: Gold, 17, 41, 71. Virgo: Lavender, 13, 35, 52. Libra: Coral, 01, 29, 60. Scorpio: Plum, 24, 45, 68. Sagittarius: Maroon, 30, 50, 71. Capricorn: Sage, 19, 44, 69. Aquarius: Mint, 15, 33, 51. Pisces: Silver, 23, 42, 64.
The Archer is always represent of good daily predictions fate works for me