When the Gemini moon squares Saturn in Pisces this morning, others can reject or not believe your ideas, thoughts, objectives, or desires. Nevertheless, it’s preferable to keep going in the direction of your priorities and to listen to your emotions. Don’t allow other people’s worries or your own concerns prevent you from achieving your objectives. You possess the ability and motivation to design the life and world you desire. Aries: Crimson, 15, 37, 62. Taurus: Bronze, 28, 49, 77. Gemini: Aqua, 13, 31, 54. Cancer: Peach, 12, 26, 60. Leo: Gold, 18, 44, 68. Virgo: Lavender, 14, 35, 53. Libra: Coral, 11, 29, 57. Scorpio: Plum, 24, 47, 69. Sagittarius: Maroon, 30, 52, 75. Capricorn: Sage, 20, 46, 71. Aquarius: Mint, 17, 33, 52. Pisces: Silver, 23, 42, 65.
Ko se naučiš razumeti horoskop, kako deluje..nastaja in narekuje smernice, daje nasvete ,
se moramo zavedati,da smo le mi sami kreatorji svoje usode.nadzor naših misli in čustveni odzivi prevečkrat uničijo naše želje,nam premaknejo cilje in nas popeljejo v napačne poti..naše misli so proste in moramo še naučiti jih usmerjati in ustaviti ko hitijo v napačno pot.